
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Halloween Wreath

Anyone that knows me, knows that I LOVE Halloween!  I think about it most of the year trying to decide what fun new ideas I want to try out.  There is so much that you can do from decorations to food to costumes.  It is the best!

In June, my mom and I were at Ikea and happened upon this bad boy.

We talked about it and thought that it would definitely make the coolest Halloween wreath EVER!  This is what I came up with.


Wreath/ Light  (Ikea)
feather boa (Joanne's)
beaded twigs (That is what I am choosing to call them.  I got them at Rod Works)
ribbon (Just stuff I had)
Candy Corn Garland (Taipan)

1. This is really so simple. Thread your twigs through the wreath form

2. Wrap the boa around, threading it through in a few places to get it to stay on.

3.  Add candy corn (or anything else you might want to use that is Halloween-ie) Tie down with strips of ribbon.  I just used a single knot and it seemed to work great.

That is it!  I think it turned out so cool looking.  

Please feel free to try it out.  I would love to see what you can come up with!


  1. I LOVE THIS! Found you via Tea Rose's linky party. Shame we cant find most of this stuff in the UK, I just love the garland :)

  2. I just love this! Great job! I think I'm going to make it. Thank you for sharing.

  3. that is just the cutest thing. I wish I had a ikea around here I am missing a lot of cool stuff.

  4. Thanks for joining our blog hop over at Sassy Sites! There are some amazing blogs out there, and you are definetly one of them! I'm a follower of yours too! Happy Friday! xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  5. That turned out great! I love the idea of using a feather boa. :)

  6. This is adorable! I absolutely love that it lights up!
